Register - Numicon in the Preschool years - online webinar

Numicon in the Preschool years
3hr live online webinar
Date: Monday 26th May 2025
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm AEST
Cost: $75 + optional $45 Online PD Resources pack.
Join us for a 3 hr online webinar for educators of Preschool students aged 3 to 5 years. This session will investigate how Numicon is used to explore early number concepts both through informal play and formal hands-on activities.
Numicon Professional Development online seminars are full of practical ideas and hands-on experiences that give Educators the knowledge and tools to successfully implement Numicon in their school or educational setting.
This course is suitable for;
- Preschool educators
- Teacher aides
- Numeracy and Mathematics Coordinators
- Home school educators
Online PD pack
We recommend that you have Numicon resources available for your online sessions to enable you to participate in hands-on activities throughout the workshops. If you already have Numicon you can bring your own, or purchase our $45 Numicon Online PD Resources Pack.